Peflog3 user instructions

Save the PEF values

Set the three values provided by PEF meter into PEFLog. You can also provide additional information like e.g. occasion (work, travel…) and other comments in order to figure out if certain occasions correlate with a PEF values.

Check the report

PEFLog reports provides invaluable information about asthma status. There is lot of important information available about asthma e.g. by Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

The application draws the chart of the measurements and indicates alarming daily variation and alarming bronchodilatation (difference with and without medication) with red colour. It’s easy to check and share the report any time (for instance after the monitoring period).

You can scroll the report left and right in order to see more details. The report that you can share includes the chart, additional information and detailed results. Note! Bronchodilatation is calculated then when the time between blows with and without medicine is less than one hour.

In order to take a deeper look at the report and share it, you can rotate the device and turn into a landscape mode. Landscape mode is optimised for viewing the report and it occupies whole screen. The share button on the top right corner allows you to share the report.

There are also more time ranges available for the report. They can be selected when pressing Report button when already in the Report tab.


Note! Reference PEF is calculated and is shown in the Report page when you have provided your birthday and height in My Details page.  It's easy to set the birthday year by clicking the year title.

Color zones

PEFLog version 2.7.0 improves color zones calculation and presentation. These improvement were made based on the customer feedback. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Color zones in the chart

The color zones illustrated in the chart can be used to show you the effectiveness of your breathing. Ideally, your PEF trend should remain in green zone. The zones are based on the personal best PEF.  Note! The personal best reading is calculated automatically if not provided manually in the My Details -page. If you provide personal best value manually then the color zones are based on it.

Green: 80-100% of your personal best

Yellow: 60-80% of your personal best

Red: Below 60% of your personal best

Colors in the Log-page 

Readings are illustrated in green except when too much (80%) below the best reading so far. Note! The best reading is calculated automatically if not provided manually in the My Details -page. 

For instance, if the new reading goes below 80% the best reading so far, then the color of the new reading is yellow. On the other hand, if the new reading is above the best reading so far, then the color of the new reading is green but all future readings will be compared against the new reading. I.e. the new reading becomes the new best PEF.

This logic is especially relevant for children because their PEF readings often improve as the child grows. The continuous improvement of PEF readings doesn’t mean that past readings suddenly become any worse and color should change. So, green readings in the past should remain green regardless if future readings become higher.

This logic means that the color of the readings is always determined by the current situation and the best PEF before it. The logic is applied in the Log-page and all PEF readings are taken into account.


As a summary, Log-page presents colors in relation to the previous best. The chart in the report-page presents color zones in relation to the all time best. In both cases, the personal best provided manually in My Details-page is taken into account if it's provided. 

Modify monitoring periods

Single tapping of titles collapses (closes) and uncollapses (opens) the monitoring periods. The arrow on the right side indicates if the period is collapsed or not. Double tapping the item will allow you to edit the details of the PEF result.

In order to remove the PEF result, you can swipe the item left. Note! You can remove the title that start the monitoring period after you have deleted items underneath.

When you want to start a new monitoring period then press 2 seconds the item that starts the period. The period will last as long as you start a new one.

After using PEFlog or Systolic for some time you’ll end up having a long list of readings. It often makes sense to group readings according to the monitoring periods. The most meaningful readings are typically the most recent ones and the readings appear in chronological order in the log-tab. In order to jump to the most recent readings, i.e. to the bottom of the list, you can just press the Log-button when already in the log-tab. In order to jump back to the top of the list, you can press the button in the top right corner.

Backup and Restore

Synchronize data (PEFLog3)

PEFLog3 stores  data both into your device and keeps it safe in your own user account when you login with email or Google account. So, there is no need for manual data backups any longer.  It is very easy to restore data or synchronize data to your secondary device when you login with the same account than the data was created with and press the sync button.  More information in news.

Backup (PEFLog2)

All data that you save is stored into your device only. You might need to transfer your data to another device in case you are switching to a new one or just in case if you happen to lose your device. In order to have the data available for another device, then Backup and Restore function does the trick for you.

Select Backup and restore from the drawer menu (top left corner). Then press Backup button and send the link, that PEFLog creates, to yourself via email or so. PEFLog uploads a backup file to the server and replaces the older backup file in case it already exists.

Restore (PEFLog2)

When using another device, you can restore the data using the link you sent to yourself earlier. Copy the link to the clipboard from the email first. Then open the Backup and restore functionality from the drawer menu and keep Restore button pressed so that you can paste the link there. After you press Done, then the PEFLog attempts to restore the data. PEFLog downloads the backup file from the server. The entries that have the same date and time are then updated and new entries are appended to the device without removing already existing data.